I am very pleased, but also surprised that the Internet Movie Data Base (IMDB.com) listed my first filmmaking effort 'Search Dog's Raven' SearchDogsRaven.com
But then I'm still amazed at the amount of support we’re receiving for the film, despite none of the cast or crew names being recognized in the IMDB. Ebbey may be the only exception. She's the canine actor who plays the lead wilderness search dog in the film, and seems to be building quite a fan base.
I think it's pretty rare for the IMDB to list an independent production before it's been in a film festival. Let alone while it’s still in production like Search Dog's Raven. And who can blame them. Now with digital video so accessible, upwards of 50,000 films go into production every year and maybe 20,000 are ever finished. Maybe seven to ten percent of those are shown in film festivals and just a few hundred are released theatrically. Those are incredibly high odds against any new film.
I’m also surprised at the IMDB listing because their registration processors didn't believe that this kind of film could be made with a budget under two million.